5 AM Club

5 AM Club Book Summary


Your alarm goes off, you press snooze, roll back and spend the next five to ten minutes sleeping. The alarm goes off again, you switch it off, angrily gets up, prepare but get to work late. Sounds familiar to you? Yes, that’s the average person’s routine. However, do you want to remain average? In his “5 AM Club” book, Robin Sharma explains the benefits of waking up early and building a morning routine. The main intent of this book summary is to outline Robin Sharma’s concepts and ideas.

In the 5 AM Club fictitious story, the author follows the journey of two protagonists, an artist (Cassandra) and an entrepreneur (Jeff). When meeting the Spellbinder, another character, Jeff and Cassandra were highly struggling in not only their personal but professional lives.

For Cassandra who is an artist, he encounters creative stagnation. On the other hand, Jeff was also struggling and on the verge of losing his business. Intending to assist them, the Spellbinder introduced the 5 AM Club concept to them. Through his sharing, the two learned how to structure their morning to maximize their productivity.

According to Spellbinder, if you want to succeed professionally and personally, create a morning routine that targets personal development, followed by exercise and planning. The main idea for the first hour is to make it the “Victory Hour”.

5 AM Key Concepts

20/20/20 Formula

Robin Sharma introduces the 20/20/20 formula that should be enacted in the first hour of the morning (Victory Hour). According to the book, the first 20 minutes should be dedicated to intense physical exercise. Intense exercise helps the body wake up and sweat, which decreases cortisol production. Cortisol is the main hormone responsible for fear and stress.

The next twenty minutes are allocated for personal reflection. Various activities that should be involved in this section include meditation, journaling and prayer, which aids in mental clarity. Meditation has been shown to reduce cortisol, hence reducing stress. The last twenty minutes should be spent learning about something. Activities that can be scheduled in this section include listening to educative materials and reading.

Four Interior Empires

Another concept the book introduces is the “Four Interior Empires” that we should nurture to lead productive and fulfilling lives. They include the Mindset, Heartset, Healthset and the Soulset. Robin Sharma encourages readers to work on these aspects daily.

Mindset – In this aspect, the book argues that we should cultivate a positive and growth-oriented mindset that can support us towards overcoming challenges and attaining goals.

Heartset (emotional wellbeing) – Robin also argues that we should foster emotional intelligence, compassion and empathy that nurtures better relationships as well as wellbeing.

Healthset (physical health) – If we want to be productive, we should also prioritize our health through good nutrition and regular working out, among other types of self-care.

Soulset (spirituality) – Robin also adds that we should nurture a sense of purpose and spirituality. We should also connect to the higher power that gives the meaning to life.

Twin Cycles of Elite Performance

The next concept outlined in the book is the Twin Cycles of Elite Performance. In this case, Robin Sharma discusses the importance of balancing the cycle comprising the Monotony of the Learning Curve and the Fire of Practice. While the monotony of the learning curve involves an individual discipline or practice and constant learning, the Fire of the Practice comprises the enthusiast and passion that keeps us motivated.

Power of Mentorship

Another key concept is the Power of Mentorship. In the book, Spellbinder meets two characters that he decides to mentor. The concept emphasizes the importance of seeking mentorship, guidance and learning from those who have already attained success. According to Robin Sharma, having a mentor can accelerate transformation as well as personal growth.

The 60/10 Method

The 60/10 method is also well explained in the book. According to Robin Sharma, we should work for 60 minutes and take a 10-minute break to recharge. As per the book, the 60/10 method has, for many years, been known for productivity optimization.

In summary, Robin Sharma shares notable learning models throughout the book for developing daily habits, attaining peak creativity, and nurturing everyday productivity. He also emphasizes the importance of recharging, among other concepts. The book makes a convincing case that persuades even the most sleep-loving readers to intentionally wake up early.

5 AM Club Takeaways

  1. Successful people have a habit of waking up early
  2. Start your morning with a 20/20/20 formula (20 physical exercise, 20 reflection and 20 reading)
  3. Work for 60 mins and rest for 10 to recharge
  4. When working, avoid distractions especially digital ones
  5. Mentorship is key

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